I have this social aggregation project I’ve been working on called AfterGlow, and it’s not without its challenges, but tonight I did some work on it on a few areas that have been insufficient up until now. Instagram’s API supports pagination, so I added support for that – full support too, so it will continue down your Instagram feed until it reaches your set maximum results or the end of the feed. I also tweaked the parser for Pinterest to allow for date stamps to be read properly, and time sorting works as a result. They have a unique stamp compared to the other feeds so it took a few extra lines of code – I had only recently switched them from scraping over to RSS. Finally, I edited the moderation side of the admin dashboard so that it would be sorted by date too, and fixed the loading screen so it actually gets injected before the server parses and returns all of the feeds.
Check it out here: AfterGlow.me