16 08, 2015


2015-08-16T20:01:05-07:00August 16th, 2015|Blog|

Been a very interesting couple of weeks! I got married, have started blogging for MainWP (a software company that creates a management suite for WordPress developers such as myself), I created a basic extension using their framework on top of a plugin, all part of the tutorials here: http://blog.mainwp.com/creating-a-wordpress-plugin/, and am in the process of uploading a video [...]

10 08, 2015

Creating a Plugin

2016-02-17T21:04:38-08:00August 10th, 2015|Plugins|

  I’m going to dive right into this blog post on creating a plugin for WordPress. There are countless tutorials out there and ways to code and structure a plugin, but for the purposes of these articles I’m going to make it short and simple. […]

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