19 02, 2016

Import External Images

2016-02-19T16:30:01-08:00February 19th, 2016|Plugins|

One plugin I use pretty frequently for WordPress is Import External Images. It lets you copy and paste content into your site, then with a couple of clicks it will sideload all of the images in that post that are still linked to external sources. I modified the one on WordPress.org to work with Squarespace [...]

18 02, 2016


2016-02-18T11:31:37-08:00February 18th, 2016|Blog, Projects|

So, I've been watching the registrations on transfermyemail.ca and find it interesting the countries that I'm seeing there. It has started being used in Argentina, the Philippines, Austria,  Nigeria, and the UK, apart from Canada and the USA.  The consistent story I hear with most users is that they're moving from an old/slow/bad host to something newer [...]

17 02, 2016

Adventures in VPS Land

2016-02-17T20:49:40-08:00February 17th, 2016|Blog|

So, 24 hours of using Virpus, and here's my review. I'll be frank here, I use Ramnode, love Ramnode, and have nothing but good things to say about them. I also use Cirrus Tech to host a Windows VPS. But I'm not one to put all of my eggs in one basket, especially with so [...]

15 02, 2016


2016-02-17T21:02:08-08:00February 15th, 2016|Projects|

Made some changes to TransferMyEmail yesterday and today - basically I rewrote the parsing routine for folder structure and output of checkboxes. This was needed because originally I had been using "INBOX" as the root folder, which worked to a certain extent, but then had some feedback from Germany, where I found out "POSTEINGANG" could be used [...]

7 02, 2016


2016-02-17T21:02:17-08:00February 7th, 2016|Projects|

I have this social aggregation project I've been working on called AfterGlow, and it's not without its challenges, but tonight I did some work on it on a few areas that have been insufficient up until now. Instagram's API supports pagination, so I added support for that - full support too, so it will continue [...]

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