30 03, 2016

Social Aggregation


Social network aggregation is the process of collecting content from multiple social network services, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. into one unified presentation. The task is often performed by a social network aggregator, which pulls together information into a single location, or helps a user consolidate multiple social networking profiles into one profile. [...]

28 03, 2016

I’m the Fommy


Well, close enough anyways. I'm the father that does the job of a "stereotypical" mother. Because why not? Why should the moms get all the fun? I'm the one who drops the kids off every morning, and picks them up every afternoon - the first face they see in the morning and the last they [...]

23 03, 2016

What I’ve Learned from Blogging Moms

2019-03-06T10:13:29-08:00Blog, WordPress|

I do a lot of different things - some of it web related, some of it IT, and a lot of it is complicated stuff. I recently helped a high school friend move her blog from wordpress.com to a self-hosted environment at bluehost. Parenting From The Heart was an easy one - not a ridiculous amount of [...]

4 03, 2016

How MainWP Saved my Chiropractor


Well, it saved his website anyways. I had done everything right, or at least so I thought – except the client had allowed their domain to be renewed without renewing their hosting. […]

3 03, 2016



I have been slowly working towards adding Pulse to Afterglow - think of it like a heartbeat, every so often it will re-check the server for updated media posts and automagically display them in the open feed. Real time updates you say? Yes. Yes they are. I'm going to have the Pulse controlled from another [...]

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