WordPress Variable Monitoring Script


I ran into an issue with WP E-commerce recently where the shipping options appeared to be unchecked every day that we went to go and look at them. Turns out it was a line in one of the shipping files that reset the shipping array to just "shipwire" which made it appear as if someone [...]



This is a throwback to last year; I was watching TV with my oldest son when I heard the familiar jingle of an email on my phone, or my smartwatch, or both. It was a client - as usual - after hours, wanting a quick response. I ran downstairs and told him to finish his [...]



You all know what I'm talking about, parents and technology. It's been around for the better part of three decades, but when did they start to learn about computers? Oh, about the past 5 years - or less. It's a stigma, and it means learning something new, and being afraid of not being good at [...]



That day. When you're in a really important meeting and you realize you have dried drool on your shoulder, and don't even know it. Then when you're on your way home you realize "That's how they knew I have kids!". When this happens multiple times, including having a soother pop out of your laptop bag, [...]

WP Hotfix 33423 WHM Easy Rollout


WordPress 4.3 has a cron issue which may affect your sites. There is a bug in WordPress 4.3 which can affect some sites causing high CPU loads and / or Database issues. "Just spent a few hours debugging two sites which went down and tracked it down to wp_options cron exploding in size. There apparently [...]

Commits and Gits


Submitted my first change request/commit for Jetpack, which I already have in use on my site. You'd think having Google+ pages as a link would be something that they'd already have on there? Strange! Find it here: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/pull/2654 I went a little further down the blogging road with MainWP and converted my plugin/extension over to [...]



Been a very interesting couple of weeks! I got married, have started blogging for MainWP (a software company that creates a management suite for WordPress developers such as myself), I created a basic extension using their framework on top of a plugin, all part of the tutorials here: http://blog.mainwp.com/creating-a-wordpress-plugin/, and am in the process of uploading a video [...]

Creating a Plugin


  I’m going to dive right into this blog post on creating a plugin for WordPress. There are countless tutorials out there and ways to code and structure a plugin, but for the purposes of these articles I’m going to make it short and simple. […]

IMAP Migration WordPress Plugin


So I turned the script that I had created earlier into a WordPress plugin. It will give you fillable boxes inside of your WP installation, and all you have to do is make sure you know your login details for both the old server and the new one. Let me know if it works for [...]

Drupal 6 to WordPress Image Migration


  I created a plugin that is a companion to a php script that I used recently - http://anothercoffee.net/drupal-to-wordpress-migration-tool/. This basically picks up where the other script left off, and migrates images after the content.  It uses WordPress' built-in media sideload library and ties it directly to the post ID, so it will automatically be entered as [...]

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