

Configured brute force protection for Wordpress logins on the server today after I noticed some increasingly high CPU usage. cPHulk already monitors all of the other ports and blocks accordingly, but I needed something that would let me affect all Wordpress installations at once with minimal involvement moving forward (which is why all sites have [...]



A big day and busy week! Moving to live customer testing on the database/directory project that has been in the works for the past few months, the Excelerate Conference site has their schedule of events calendar ready to go and should be completed and launched today, I have the mail server set up and ready [...]

IMAP Migration PHP Script


So after a bit of digging I was able to complete a working IMAP mailbox-to-mailbox migration script to help move accounts between servers. A lot of time and effort will be saved, as it is run directly on the server rather than linking your mail client to two accounts and transferring it using drag and [...]

Tech Support


Arguing with tech support yesterday and today - trying to explain to them that emails can be sent between accounts on the same server, which bypasses any spam filtering I have in place. They don't get it. This is one of the reasons I'm moving servers. I also won't have to ask to remove blacklisted [...]



I set up Softaculous on the server today. Did you know it's only $12 a year? Only $1 a month, to save the amount of time and effort each manually created Wordpress installation takes. Not to say there's not still time involved but it is considerably less, and absolutely worth that amount.

New Server


After a lot of searching and comparison, I've decided to purchase a new VPS server for my clients and my own personal sites. I've run into a few email issues in the past few months, and despite the fact I've been with d9 for three years, and their service is great, I need to think [...]

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